Saturday 4 May 2013

Farewell Floripa :-)

So after almost four weeks I'm moving on from this beautiful island whose sandy shores and kindly folk have been my welcome to Brazil and my introduction to Portuguese.  And I'm certainly feeling full of love for Brazil and Brazilian folk and a lot more comfortable with communicating in Portuguese now as I head towards Meninadança, the project that these three weeks of studying have been in preparation.  After so many months of planning and thinking about the project it is exciting that I am finally on on my way there.  Let's hope I can do as good a job as possible for the girls of the project, and that they will really enjoy our time together.

Peace lives in the Silence of the Soul

I really like this mural above, spotted on the cycle from Rod and Luce's house to Campeche. After so many chats recently about consumerism and media control this image of a baby in the TV had me thinking of the Story of Stuff project and one particular scene from this video of theirs that so succinctly summarises the never-ending cycle of consumerism: buy stuff, work to get money to buy more stuff, come home from work and watch TV whose adverts tell you you need to buy more stuff to be more happy/ beautiful/ thin/ popular, work longer hours, buy more stuff, watch more TV etc.  An image like this mural perhaps invites us to ask ourselves what messages we are taking from the TV and media, and do we really need the external goods they promote in order to feel happy... I love the peaceful image of the 'silence of the soul'.  I believe we each of us know at heart that it is not stuff that makes us happy, but inner peace and healthy loving connections with one another and the natural world around us.

So as I move on from Floripa, sending a big thank you to all the special folk who made my time there so colourful... muito obrigada!

(scratched into the pavement, spotted on my final morning in Floripa)

Big love

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