Tuesday 13 January 2015

A brilliant welcome back to London lights

I thought I'd been happy to see all the new artworks in Miami airport and the uncommon smoothness of the transfer process, but nothing could compare to how happy I was to see these two smiling antlered faces in Heathrow (as I turned around from buying a phone and chip to lots of giggling!) Thank you so SO much Lucy and Siobhan for taking the day off work and making my welcome so special and eating fish and chips and drinking mulled wine and homemade gingerbread biscuits with me! Big huge love to you both! 

Things to make me immediately excited about being back in London:

The profusion of art everywhere, like this mural in Brixton recommended by Becky, specifically about land ownership and British traveler communities, but that resonated with me as an overseas traveller too: 

More street art..and signs of Chrsitmas everywhere!

… including that British seasonal staple, the Christmas jumper:

Seeing the best Christmas tree of the year, the giant macmillan one on the Southbank, with my best Macmillan womb (women on mountain bikes!) buddies….
plus more art, to remind me of Tyrone (as well as all the bikes everywhere that I kept taking photos of to send to him!)

...and signs of Ecuador in the most surprising of places, like this labyrinth on the tube, that I'm sure is based on Manabí ceramic designs, and this cassava and plantain on a market stall:

Even more street art… painted chewing gum shapes cover milenium bridge (the one that leads from St. Paul's to the Tate… and being totally honest this shewing gum got me more excited than the big wood and fabric piece in the Turbine hall!) 

Typical London view, mixed with even more art…St. Paul's and Paddington Bear artist sculptures
….plus this beautiful pair of friends!

What an amazing welcome back into the heart of London…. thank you Lucy and Siobhan!!! 

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