Wednesday 20 February 2013

Day 5 Villa Alegre: playing playing playing

Playing, working on the computer, playing, playing J

The day of Christian's birthday, and what a happy day!... So much love between the group.  Cakes and beers, and kisses and hugs!

A morning concentrating in front of the computer, writing and sharing links with one another....
In the background rain, rain, rain...
Rain falling softly, then harder, then softly again, gifting us a camling background soundtrack to our work and conversations (apparently at this period of the summer is is unusual to have rain like this - here there are signs of climate change too)

Learning more about the War of the Pacific with Jorge... that the British have inluenced different conflict here in Latin America when the results will benefit them in some way.. what a selfish way to act in the world, without any care for the lives and environments of those manipulated.

Ilze showed me comics of an Argentinian cartoon character Mafalda. Created by Joaquín Salvador Lavado, otherwise known as "Qunio", Mafalda and her friends are hugely political and are apparently a great (and funny) reflection of the politics of South America and the rest of the world during the period when they were written, between 1964 and 1973.

I was showing Felipe the video documenting the process and background to French artist JR's project “Women are heroes” made in response to a tragedy in the favela Morro da Providencia en Rio de Janeiro where the police killed a number of young men.  I really admire projects such as this for giving a voice to a community which previously was going unheard, and offering them a mirror to reflect their strength, value and beauty in surviving such tragedies.

Later came the hours of playing....
Collecting fallen flowers and petals from the garden and playing with the combinations of colours, trying to make little 'charms' similar to earrings or pendants, but using only natural materials found in the garden.  (Thinking about an idea Kristina and I have).  In all honestly the end results weren't great, BUT it was an enjoyable process, and Raquel and I laughed when we realised as she took some photos that I was sat in front of the dog kennel as if it were my home!

Conversation with Katia about our paths in life....Reflecting that frequently we have a magnet inside us drawing us towards something unknown, carrying us towards places that are often far from our original physical homes.  Talking of how following this 'call' leads us to the self-development that eventually means we carrying or home within us, gifting us the option to feel "at home" in any geographical place. (Thinking back to the insightful discussions in Greg Madison's book "The End of Belonging").  Katia and I agreed that in order to follow (or 'discover' perhaps?) our own paths in life we just have to relax and make decisions that are honest to your instincts, and trust that the path will emerge and reveal itself in time.

Exciting also to hear Daniella's accounts of her experiences of relocating home from Colombia to Argentina, and the squatting communities in Buenos Aires, such as one huge circus community. 
Later on playing table football in the park, and the Scots amongst you will be happy to know I scored a good few goals for us! J

Back to la Casona and more dancing dancing dancing, playing with poi, and dancing some more!  J

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