Tuesday 5 February 2013

Safely Landed... in Santiago, Chile

Wow! After so many months of dreaming and planning I'm finally here, at the beginning of this leg of my journey, here in Santiago the capital of Chile.

First impressions:
Amazing murals and graffitti.
Hot hot HOT!
Lots of skyscrapers set against blue blue sky and far mountain range that is magnetic in its majesticness!
Lots of life in the streets - performers, food vendors, shoe shines, couples, families (not many animals - the odd stray dog or dog walker, a pair of cats, one lizard and a couple of birds seen so far)
Plenty unknown food to be trying - so far the most unusual was 'mote con huesillos' a peach-wheat drink (sweet enough to drink all the juice but odd enough not to finish it!)

So far have been doing plenty wandering, absorbed by all the amazing art in the streets - love it!

Impressed by the number of political and motivational slogans around, some stencilled others written with a rougher free-hand scrawl.  In my own personal journey I particularly related to these two "Activate, Migrate" and "The time has come to wake up":

Loads more to share, but for now a big painterly hug and big love from Chile

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