Tuesday 5 February 2013

Safely arrived on the Happy HIll in the Valley of Paradise, Valparaíso :-)

Yay! So one metro ride, two bus rides and an exciting list of instructions from Emma about how to get here, including a hidden discount ticket that turned out to be for clothes not the bus, and here I am safely arrived in Valparaíso with Emma and James and their fantastic crew of flatmates Marilla, Veronica, Fernando and Mauricio.  What a joy to be spending time with Em and James again and what a great welcome and first evening: Emma cooked a tasty meal of Mexican fajitas, washed down with Vino Verano, a sangria-like concoction of red wine, orange and lemonade, Mauricio played Chilean tunes on the guitar and he and Veronica sang, Mariella had lots of interesting chat about sensitivity and people as 'angeles' or gifts to one another at particular times in life, and Fernando added rum to the mixture to spice it all up.

Today, waking up 'con caña' (hungover!) it's been a pleasure to do my computer based work sat for most of the time in the delicious cool of the balcony looking out over the harbour soaked in sunshine.  It's a stunning scene with multicolour-painted houses clustered up the sides of the valleys, and mutlicoloured containers stacked in the port. A huge cruiser turned up there today (you can just about see it in this picture).  All the hills or 'cerros' have names, and the one this home is sat at the top of is aptly called Cerro Alegre, "Happy Hill"!

So, Cerro Verde, Happy Hill, Happy Days!
Big love to you all from Valparaíso, the "Valley of Paradise".

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