Friday 12 April 2013

Harun Farocki films: Dear Fu....

"the filmic realism"
still from film Parallel (2012) by Harun Farocki, on display at Proa, Buenos Aires

Hey hey Fu!

How're you doing lovely lad? :-)
Here's a photo "postcard" for you from Buenos Aires - it's from an film Parallel, by this German artist Harun Farocki that I saw the other day in a gallery here called Proa.  The film's all about the development of computer animation in the context of the history of art, from written descriptions through pixelated representation to the hyperrealism of this water.  Pretty damn fascinating to see the progress step-by-step like this. (Actually 'progress' is maybe a slightly misguided word because part of the idea of the film is to critique our lineal idea of development)

Anyways, I kept being reminded of you and your fine tuned digital skills throughout this film and I reckon considering how interested you are in solving 3D modeling problems you'd find it pretty interesting, so perhaps keep an eye out on YouTube becuase it doensn't seem to be up there yet.

Another of his films which was a pretty damn uncomfortable one to watch was Serious Games III: Immersion (2009). This is basically film footage from a video installation set up in the Institute for Creative Technologies to investigate the use of virtual reality and simulation in treatment of post-traumatic stress.   It was pretty disturbing to see just how emotionally affected by the simulation the soldiers were  - especially because just a couple of days before an ex-soldier of the Falklands War, Ruben, had been telling me about the huge impact of PTS on him.  (You can see snippets of the footage in this video below - maybe Julia can translate what Farocki is saying?)

Anyways, I hope life in London and at 12foot6 studio is all good and you're happy in all your projects.  Send hugs to everyone in the studio for me!
Big love

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