Friday 12 April 2013

Semillas: Dear Sarah....

The seed is life not merchandise

Dear Sarah, 

How are you m'lovely lass?  I imagine you busy springing around gleefully making and moving, creating creating creating!

Here is a "postcard" for you from Buenos Aires.... this mural from the 'subte' (BsAs Tube) shows a bit of the agricultural history of Argentina in images.  Shortly after I spotted this graffiti slogan, and my friend Dani explained that last year there had been a lot of protest in Argentinian against transgenic seeds that were developed in 2012 to resist drought.  So I was reminded of you and Becca and your seed activities back in London.

I was also reminded of a passage in this amazing book I've been reading and referencing over and over for the last few months, (a book I know you'd absolutely love Sarah if you haven't already read it)  here the seed is the storyteller:
In my “farthest back” culture, although we bridge the modern world, there is at the root, a timeless storyteller legacy, wherein one teller hands down his or her stories and the knowledge of the medicine in them to one or more las semillas “seed” persons. “seeds” are people who have “the gift from birth onward”.  They are the future story-keeps whom the elders have hopes for.
pp.469, Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run with Wolves, Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman, Rider 1992

This made me think how in all areas and walks of life there are storytellers, 'seed' people, people who hand along the knowledge and information they have in their own area to others, inviting them to plant this 'seed' and tend in their own way, awaking a new life from the previous ideas.   So whether we are handing on seeds of sustainable ecological initiatives like local, natural seed banks themselves, or handing on seeds of craft skill sharing through community co-operatives like those here in BsAs, or whatever or area of speciality, we can all in our own way and in turn act as 'seed people' for one another, spreading our ideas and perspectives and being inspired one from the other... brilliant.

Se here's wishing lots of fun in your own creative seed-spreading Sarah, 
and sending a big huge hug.
Big love

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