Saturday 27 April 2013

ONE: Miguel Kieling

Miguel Kieling
A challenge I overcame: To learn English
A dream for my future: To travel to Asia.
A hope for the global community: That the global population doesn't grow more and that Nature is preserved.

Our behind-the-scenes organiser, Miguel was my first point of contact at Step 1, and is extremely helpful and supportive of all of us students at the school.  Miguel is also the one to hand me the key to the 2-wheeled delight of the Freedom Machine bicycle! :-) 

There are photos of animals and birds posted above a noticeboard on the left as you enter the school and Miguel mentioned to me that the puffin photo is one he took in Orkney on a visit to Scotland a few years ago.  That's definitely an island that's high up on my list of places to visit, along with Shetland and Iona.  It's funny sometimes that we go so far abroad exploring other countries in such detail when there are beautiful places on our own doorsteps that we still don't know.  Peculiar perhaps, but very common.  (And I remember so clearly on my return to the UK in 2010 the feeling that I needed to explore the UK more, and I certainly made some effort but there is still so much back there to explore!)  Apparently when Miguel was there the man manning the boat on the crossing to the Isle of Hoy was hugely surprised by Miguel's nationality, saying that he hadn't met a Brazilian on his crossing in all 30 years of working it!

Miguel, muito obrigada para todo o apoio.  A experiencia com Step 1 foi fantastico! 
Sorte en todos suas viagems futuras.

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