Friday 12 April 2013

ONE: Damian Marcelo

Damian Marcelo
A challenge I overcame: To be a musician
A dream for my future: To be an architect
A hope for the global community: World peace

Damian... musician, poet and romantic dreamer, one of Damian's questions to me was, as a native English speaker, what would be something that a lad could say to a girl that would really impress her, something that I as a woman would really like to hear.. not your typical fliratious line that everyone would know.   Good question Damian.   

I had to think for a while... then my answer was:
"I want to fly by your side" 
Communicating the hope for sharing the joy of flying alongside one another, sharing a direction but with the freedom to choose one's own exact path.  

Damian and I spoke of the difference in a relationship of supporting one another's continuing development, or of putting 'chains' on one another because of personal insecurity.   This conversation, and my answer to Damian, have me picturing butterflies, and thinking of the difference between taking a butterfly that you are attracted to and pinning her down safely and securely (but dead) to a board that you have ownership of, or the alternative of inviting that butterfly to share your garden, planting flowers that you imagine she may enjoy and keeping a clear pool for it that you can both enjoy together.

Damian seemed satisfied with the answer, though he's yet to give me his in return, what a Spanish speaking bloke might really want to hear that would be romantic!

Damian was one of the young lads Daniela and I met the night of the time-lapse shoot in La Boca.  We began with photographing the street with the basketball court "la Cancha" in the background.  Our idea here was to document the streets of this iconic neighbourhood, documenting the typical 'fileteado' signs and the nightlife activity of the basketball court in the background.  This was the third of our three-part time-lapse, and in each of the locations, whilst shooting the time-lapse, we also made some form of 'art-intervention' with a large piece of card, inviting interaction with local passerbys.  

Here in la Boca, seeing the kids playing their mix of basketball-football Dani and I thought the interesting question for them would be what their dream for the future would be in terms of a job.  A common question to ask children "what do you want to bee when you grow up",  here we felt it was particularly relevant, seeing as La Boca is an area of not a lot of money that is famous for old Argentinian traditions like the hand-painted 'fileteado' signs, traditional music and Tango.  We wondered within this context of tradition, what would these kids really want for their own futures?  Answers we received were: footballer, lawyer, architect, photographer, and one amazingly unique and profound answer: "to be old and have marks like a map".

Damian's answer was: "Architect and engineer of love". What a romantic!

For a challenge overcome Damian answered "to be a musician": he plays cumbia music in a band with local friends.  His brother is also a musician and Damian invited us to listen to not his own, but his brothers tracks on his phone.  Dani and I were impressed by the lyrics that reflect the reality of life for these young lads living in la Boca.  

Gracias Damian, para compartir suya música y suya cancha con Dani y yo aquella noche tan interesante Damian.  Y que tengas mucha suerte en  todos tus sueños: de ser arcitecto y de ingenerio de amor!
Un abrazo!

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